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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Greedy Man


I have used the word “greedy” in a completely different sense here.

Has man ever been contented with his possessions?

If your answer is yes… then I would like to have a short argument. I don’t think that even a sage is really so. He wants more of philosophy into his life. One, who claims that he has surrendered himself to God, wants to praise God more and more. If we were really contented, then we would have really stopped all researches, for all such things are going on so that we may lead a better life. If we are happy with the current life, why a better life?

If no, why is it so? I fear that I might not be able to give an answer to this question even at the end of this passage. Even from the periods of Primitive man, man’s search has been endless. Starting to work with wood, he has today ended up with great technology. Today, he is marching towards yet another great field which he calls as “Artificial Intelligence”.

Is he really trying to shake the very foundation of all creations – “Man can only think”?

My answer to this question would really be, “Not exactly!!” Man always takes care that he has complete control over the thinking of whatever he creates or he intends to create. So, man always tries to play safe. If there comes one day on which he loses control over his creations, he very well knows that may be the first step towards the end of humanity. There is no problem for humanity so long as this thought is strongly rooted in man’s heart.

But, let us go back a few steps. Why is it that he never stops working? We shall be able to understand the truth after a few quick thoughts. The truth is Man would perish the moment he stops thinking and decides, “This is enough for my life” and the most interesting fact is that man realised this fact long back. That is why he constantly tries to better existing things. There is never going to be a full stop for this process.

Man has realised that humanity is going to perish one day definitely and it is going to happen by either one of these ways.

Man being greedy to create better and better things to finally lose control over them.

Man stops thinking and stays idle.

Interestingly, man does not prefer to commit "direct" suicide and die soon.

He prefers to remain greedy throughout his life.


Blogger amrit said...

You should try to define what 'better' actually means. Give it a try.

7:43 AM  

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